

Transform Your Ideas into a Tangible Reality
  • Thorough Research
  • Exceptional Ingenuity
  • Skilled and Experienced Writers
  • Budget-Friendly Offers
  • Limitless Modifications
  • Publishing on Various Platforms
  • Worldwide
  • Promotion and Dissemination
  • Continuous Omnichannel Assistance, Available 24/7
let’s begin my book


Transform your ideas and imagination into a published masterpiece with the help of our expert team of writers. We specialize in making your dreams of authorship a reality.

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The process of editing and proofreading is essential to bringing your story idea to life. Our team of expert editors and proofreaders ensures that your book not only provides an enjoyable reading experience but also leaves a lasting impact on the reader. With our professional book editing and proofreading services, we help bring coherence to your story.

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Despite the common saying "never judge a book by its cover," the reality is that the cover is often the first thing that captures a reader's attention. Therefore, our team of talented illustrators is dedicated to comprehending your concept and creatively bringing it to fruition through custom book cover designs.

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It is commonly believed that creating a book cover is the same as designing an eBook cover. However, several unique considerations go into eBook cover design, such as dimensions. Don't worry about the details - let us handle the design so you can concentrate on your potential best-seller.

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Our unwavering commitment and tireless efforts have enabled us to establish a strong and enduring partnership with the most reputable publishers in the industry. Familiar with our work ethics, procedures, and unwavering dedication, we can trust these publishers to exceed expectations in promoting our clients' narratives globally.

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At our core, we believe that getting your book to the right readers is key. We understand the frustration of having a potential bestseller on your hands, yet not seeing the rewards due to inadequate marketing.

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Although the variation between eBook writing and book writing exists, it is not substantial. But, there is no need to worry because we are here to support you in transforming your creation into a bestseller.

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Crafting a biography can be a challenging task, but we simplify the process for you. Our team of writers and representatives takes great care in capturing every detail of your life, presenting it logically and cohesively. We take pride in working closely with you to create a collaborative biography.

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Are you finding it challenging to express your thoughts in words and struggling with the story in your mind? Our company, based in the United States, provides exceptional book-writing services to aspiring authors who dream of publishing their memoirs. Join our list of satisfied clients and take a step closer to achieving your goal of becoming a published author.

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Books authored by our team of professional writers have brought success to our clients.

David Thompson

After spending a year on my manuscript and planning to take two more years, I reconsidered and contacted Amazon Publisher Partner. Their professional writers helped me expedite the process and I achieved great success with my third book through them. I highly recommend Amazon Publisher Partner for those with excellent ideas who struggle with prolonged computer use

Vickie S. Manzella

For two years, my manuscript had been completed and had remained idle on my table until I discovered Amazon Publisher Partner. With their assistance, I was able to fulfill my dream of becoming an author and am currently enjoying the experience.

Alex Williams

After spending a decade in the tech industry, I had some underwhelming ideas to showcase. However, the talented team at Amazon Publisher Partner came to my rescue and created an exceptional book within just six months.


Our book writing service has a list of commonly asked
questions that you may find helpful.

1How do I start?

In order to commence book writing using Amazon Publisher Partner, the initial step would be to reach out to our company's customer support team and furnish them with a concise summary of your book concept, which encompasses the genre, intended readership, and any particular necessities you may have.

2How long does Amazon Publisher Partner take to finish writing a book?

Several factors can significantly impact the duration it takes us to complete a book. These factors include the book's length and complexity, the number of revisions necessary, and potential delays in obtaining client approvals.

3How do I know my information stays confidential?

We only use the information provided to us for writing a book and do not share it with any third parties. Moreover, we have implemented rigorous security measures to prevent unauthorized access or misuse of user data.

4How does your book writing procedure work?

Typically, our process for writing a book involves the following stages:

  1. Conducting research on the book's subject matter, target audience, and competitors, and creating an outline for the book.
  2. Composing the manuscript.
  3. Reviewing and revising the written content, focusing on grammar and style.
  4. Formatting the book.
  5. Publishing and promoting it through various channels.
5Will I be assisted by a real person throughout the process?

Certainly, our team comprises actual individuals possessing exceptional creative writing abilities. You will have continuous communication with our project manager during the entire process of writing your book, and our customer service team will be at your disposal to address any concerns you may have.

6Do I get possession of the work I do?

Certainly. The book that we create on your behalf will be exclusively yours. Our team will not claim any authorship or ownership of it. You may utilize it on multiple platforms, sell it according to your requirements, and mention it in interviews as you see fit.

7How much money does writing a book cost?

Although the book writing service can be expensive, it can yield significant advantages in the long run. The cost of the service is contingent on factors such as the intricacy of the material, the necessary research, and the number of pages.

8How do I get my first book published?

If you are aspiring to publish your debut book, you can start by collaborating with Amazon Publisher Partner. Our team will assist you in refining your manuscript, which could entail reviewing various drafts, making revisions, and performing the editing. When we determine that the book is ready for publication, we will release it on well-known platforms like Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and others.



  • 1

    We understand that it can be confusing, but here's what you can expect. Our agent will contact you within 24 hours of signing up to confirm the details of your project, after you have submitted the registration form.

  • 2

    After collecting information about your book, we will assign a writer who is best suited for your project. A project manager will reach out to you to discuss the tone, flow, and voice of your book.

  • 3

    Once we have this information, our writers will create a compelling outline for your book, outlining each chapter's contents. You will have the opportunity to provide feedback and approve the outline.

  • 4

    Once approved, our writers will start drafting each chapter, which we will send to you for approval before moving on to the next.

  • 5

    Finally, once the entire book has been written, edited, and formatted, our team will begin the publishing process.

Tell Us About Your Project